Donate to bring our son home!

Please click here to DONATE to help us raise funds to help the Olsson family bring their daughter home from Ethiopia:

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Pictures from the girls first beach trip and A.J.'s first fourth of July home!

Monday, July 9, 2012

The girls first trip to the beach!! It was a blast more pics to come!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Well today is the first 4th of July that we have been able to spend with A.J.! It is going to be a fun day followed by a trip to the beach!!! We are all very excited and cannot wait! The girls are napping now but as soon as I can I will post pictures of them in their 4th gear! Happy 4th everyone!!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Ok, so I don't make many requests but I do have this one...Please DO NOT ask this question to any adopted child, parent, or family member: "Where'd you get them (can also be replaced with him/her) from?" It is rude, disrespectful, and just plain demeaning. Our children are not items that can be bought and sold in stores. They are people who have feelings just as your children who you gave birth to do. If you must ask this question try this version first " Are your children adopted?" If the answer is yes you may proceed to this question: " Where are they adopted from?" I GUARANTEE you will get better results with those questions than you will the first. We have had the first question asked of us too many times and to be honest it breaks my heart. My children are standing right there when it is asked and I would never want them to think that they are property. They are loved no matter how they came to us; whether we bought them at Kmart, adopted them, or gave birth to them. Please remember this the next time you encounter an adoptive family. Thank you.