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Please click here to DONATE to help us raise funds to help the Olsson family bring their daughter home from Ethiopia:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

really getting started

So we have our first home study appointment scheduled for June 1st. I am so nervous, I have even taken off work to try and prepare. I have no clue what to expect,but hope it's not too difficult. I just keep thinking something will stop our process and not allow us to adopt ( i hope and pray this isn't so) so i try and prepare myself if that is the case. Radu keeps telling me not to worry that everything will fall into place, but how can i relax when our future is in thier hands?? I haven't bought anything for our little one yet because i do not want to jump ahead, but i have been looking and I want to do the nursery in shabby Chic floral print...not as old fashioned as it sounds....I cannot wait to start buying stuf for the baby, but i am going to wait until our home study is approved. Well on goes the process of completing forms for our general Dossier and Formal strange to be actually doing this. We are so excited...our fingers remain crossed!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A shock

So,this is our first step into our adoption from Ethiopia. We have received our email from Radu that says we are accepted...I guess it hasn't sunk in yet, I feel like Radu is going to say " just kidding, we denied you" ....but he's not we're accepted!!!!! I cannot believe it is possible that we may actually have a daughter in the near future. We know it will be a long process, however it seems like a long time coming and we're ready for it! Now to start all the paper work...where to start? I guess we just take one piece of paper at a time. We're not extremely religious people, but we do believe that God has us going through this process for a reason. We cannot wait to see what the future holds!