Donate to bring our son home!

Please click here to DONATE to help us raise funds to help the Olsson family bring their daughter home from Ethiopia:

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Tomorrow we will be spending our first easter with all 3 girls. I cannot wait to see their faces as the day unfolds. Hopefully next year we will be enjoying it with our son as well. Prayers appreciated for him and us. Happy easter everyone!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

fast, fast, faster!

Well we have learned a few new things about our adoption journey that may have us a bit more fast tracked than we had planned for. This means that we need the finances even sooner than we thought. So, we are asking for your help because it could mean our sons life. He needs to be home. He needs to be where he can drink water with no worry. Help us get him home!! There is a donate button at the top of this blog and we would appreciate it beyond measure if you would consider helping us. Prayers are also very appreciated God bless!

Monday, March 11, 2013

fingerprints for our son!

Friday March 22nd we will be completing the last piece of work to complete our dossier. One step closer to our son!!! Praying April will be the month we turn everything in and get this moving!