Donate to bring our son home!

Please click here to DONATE to help us raise funds to help the Olsson family bring their daughter home from Ethiopia:

Sunday, June 30, 2013

court date #1.

Tonight during the wee hours of the morning our sons case will be heard in Ethiopia. Please help us in praying that all needed.parties will be in attendance and that the judge approves all of our paperwork. This is a very necessary step before we can travel to meet him. We are hoping and praying beyond belief that we will hold him in our arms before the rainy season. Waiting even just a few more months feels like an eternity. He is growing everyday without us there. We have to get to him as soon as possible. So please help us in praying for him.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Well it's obvious that I have not updated everyone on our adoption journey, so I feel the need to do so now. Our dossier was turned in about a month ago and was finally registered in Ethiopia on May 20th. Yesterday, Monday, our file was submitted to the Ethiopian courts. This is great news! It may mean that we have a chance of traveling to meet our son before the courts close! We are hoping to receive our birth relative court date within the next few weeks and then if that goes well we wait for our table date!! We are getting closer everyday and it feels great!! Please say a prayer that we get to our son sooner rather than later please, thanks!!