Donate to bring our son home!

Please click here to DONATE to help us raise funds to help the Olsson family bring their daughter home from Ethiopia:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ammar- Juliana Tigest Miles!!!!

November 30, 2011!!

Today, half way around the world, someone said the words "she is thiers". Have sweeter words ever been said??? Nope!!! Baby A.J. is OURS forever!!!!!! Next step, embassy!

Monday, November 21, 2011

approved police report

Well, the 18th has come and gone and we are still awaiting our decree. The judge did, however approve our more detailed police report but she wanted to look over our file again before issuing the decree. It seems that this part of the journey may never end. I am trying to have hope and faith, but I'm not so sure I can keep holding out anymore. We're praying for a miracle and that this week we get the news we have been waiting for since March.

We love you baby girl!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ammar-Juliana T.

My dearest A.J.,
Today is the anniversary of your birth; you are one year old. We hate more than anything that we cannot be with you, but please know that we are thinking of you today, as always, and sending our hugs and kisses to you via prayer. Your grandparents also wish you a happy birthday, please know how much they love you as well. We all hope today is magical for you. We love you precious girl, happy birthday!

Friday, November 11, 2011

a flood of emotions

We had a court date today in hopes that our revised police report would be present and that we would get our decree, however the report was obtained too late and the judge has issued another court date for the 18th. We are bummed that we did not get "the" news today but we are still crying like babies that we have gotten this far!!!! Thank God! Come on 18th!!! We miss our baby girl!!