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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Post Fingerprinting (Daddy Edition)

I failed to update the blog after having my fingerprints taken-- I was not arrested at the Immigration office or anything averse such as that, I simply have been too busy at work.

Here's how it went down... I walked into the office early enough because I was worried they would cancel my appointment and then we would be set back a good deal. I was overly polite to the security guard because I was concerned that he would be the only other American that I would see. This was partially correct. My politeness was met with rapid-fire instructions as to what I would be expected to do once entering the building. It was good that I went first, and that Megan went after, because I'm not sure that she would be able to follow these rapid instructions-- in truth, I barely followed them myself but survived somehow. Once I got into the office I was in a large waiting room, and yes, I was the only American waiting. I filled out the paperwork as directed by the guard and sat and waited. While waiting I noticed a second waiting room full of people (my waiting room was not full but had only three families waiting). I wasn't sure if these were quarantined or were simply waiting and I also wasn't sure if I was now waiting in line behind these other people! I wasn't... I was quickly called and my electronic fingerprints were taken and that was that.

Now the waiting... Megan has her fingerprints taken this Friday and then we'll wait for our results in the mail so we can attach them to our completed dossier and send it off. We are hoping for a quick turnaround.

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