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Monday, May 14, 2012

An eventful weekend

On Saturday I graduated college!!! I am now officially a woman with a degree (in social work)! After what seemed like a crazy-exciting ceremony I came home to find my husband cleaning the house like a mad man. I could only think of one explanation for this...he was planning a party. Sure enough everyone was coming over to my house-SURPRISE! I am not very good with surprises lol My husband had only the best intentions but seeing as neither myself nor the girls were dressed it was not the best surprise. Once we were dressed however the party was great! A lot of good friends and close family all came together to celebrate my graduation. I have a wonderful husband who would do something like this just for me :) Fun times Sunday was mother's day. My first "real" mothers day. My daughter was home for this mother's day and it felt wonderful, however I couldn't shake an overwhelming sad feeling. It felt like something was missing...I spent most of the morning in a weepy state and just could not figure out why. I'm still not sure what the deal was. All I can think is that maybe I was feeling the pain and loss for A.J.'s birth mother. I did after all feel slightly guilty for wanting to have fun when I knew she was not celebrating today. I have been feeling that way for the past few weeks; like something is not quiet right. I feel as though I am being called back to is A.J.'s birth mother or someone else who I'm longing for?? Something is missing, I'm just not sure what. I do know this though I am blessed. I have an amazing family and having my daughter here now is such a miracle.
(My parents and my girls with me at graduation)

1 comment:

  1. ok, I dont know why blogger wont allow me to have separate paragraphs...anyone know how I can fix this?
